
Did you know that Catalina is out ?



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    Marcio D.

    Hi again everyone,

    We are excited to offer our Mac 64-bit users a Beta build of our latest version of the DivX Software for Mac v.10.8.9. This should work on Mac OS Catalina and Big Sur. Please keep in mind that this is a Beta release and there may be bugs or issues with the build and we ask if you come across any please submit a support ticket to our support team here.

    DivX for Mac Software v.10.8.9 64-bit free version

    DivX Pro Software v.10.8.9 64-bit paid version (You must have a purchased DivX Pro 10 serial for this to work)

    Thank you for your patience and support!

  • John Phillips

    Yes. DivX no longer works under Catalina. A bit bizarre that a company allegedly at the bleeding edge of technology made no provision for this.

  • Barbara Lawson

    The company claims to have been working on this for quite some time now...Are they admitting defeat???

  • Oleg

    Probably need to claim your money back!
    Then they will start working!

  • Pixperfplans

    These people obviously don’t care about their paid users. Throughout the years they’ve always been insensitive to their customers. I’ve been one since 2006. They were put on notice beginning with the High Sierra upgrade, but continued to ignore the many customer postings on their site (2 years). Their listed phone number is no longer in service! 

    I contacted the seller Cleverbridge to address the issue. Their answer: They are just an ecommerce company not responsible for any support for DivX. Think about that the next time you purchase through a third party seller!

  • Oyvind Hogmo

    If you do not want to update to 64 bits, give us our money back !!!

  • Oyvind Hogmo

    This is what I sent to cleverbridge support via email.

    Hi, none of my DivX products will work on my MacBook Pro after the operating system update (MacOS Catalina 64 bits) I have tried several times to contact those who make the program, but they do not respond to anything. I have been tired of trying to contact them since they do not respond to us buyers of their DivX product. Me and many others are getting very annoyed at that "company" when they don't want to fix or update their software. I think both I and several others should be reimbursed for what we have paid for the DivX package.

    With regards
    Øyvind Høgmo
    My cleverbridge reference number: xxxxxxxxx

  • Mick Bigg

    Come on guys get your act together it is now over 2 yrs since you were alerted that the Apple OS10.15 was moving to 64 bit only.

    Then 12 months ago  the first beta versions of the software were released followed by many more, on June 4th 2019 the release date was announced you failed to act to support the changes.

    Checking support after the release October 7th Catalina release it appeared that you started asking to see how many subscribers wanted a 64bit version.

    Here we are six months later we are still waiting what is happening. Note the Corona Virus is not a reasonable nor plausible excuse.


    Mick Bigg

  • David May

    I'm also waiting patiently for the 64-bit version. I just purchased the pro version to go along with my Dolby version. Please provide an update on a possible release.

  • Herbert Leung

    I'm running Catalina 10.15.4  Mac can't even open the DivX.pkg. It says "Cant' be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software" as asked to contact developer.  Dixv stopped working on Mac OS for over 9 months for me. This is ridiculous

  • Herbert Leung

    Is DivX dropping Mac users completely?


  • Jeremy

    We are excited to offer our Mac 64-bit users a Beta build of our latest version of the DivX Software for Mac v.10.8.9. This should work on Mac OS Catalina and Big Sur. Please keep in mind that this is a Beta release and there may be bugs or issues with the build and we ask if you come across any please submit a support ticket to our support team here.


    DivX for Mac Software v.10.8.9 64-bit free version


    DivX Pro Software v.10.8.9 64-bit paid version (You must have a purchased DivX Pro 10 serial for this to work)



  • Gwyneth Llewelyn

    Halleluja. Now everything works again! Thanks...

    ... especially because macOS Monterey is being beta-tested at the time of writing; I've not tried it out, but hopefully DivX will have no issues with it. It's not such a big change as moving from 32bit to 64bit, but... you never know...

  • Robert Blair

    Jeremy Not able to actually reply back in messages sent to support which uses ZenDesk software. Direct linking the same software you sent to me in support is kinda pointless. How does installing the same software you offered here going to change the bugs which are existing?

