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2 comentarios

  • Comentario oficial

    Here you go: 

    /SILENT — This invokes the installer in silent mode.
    /NOPLAYER — This installs the codec without the DivX Player.
    /NOSTARTMENU — This does not install anything into the start menu.
    /NOCONVERTER — This installs the bundle, but excludes the Converter.
    /NOWEBPLAYER — This installs the bundle, but excludes the Web Player
    /NOUPLOADER — This installs the bundle, but excludes the Uploader.
    /SERIAL — This performs the install with a serial number.

    The installer may ask for UAC depending on account installing and ask for a reboot after install. Let me know if this works for you.

  • Josef Müller

    Codec Player None Installation
    Go in Lucky


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