Step 1:
Open the QuickTime Player and select the Open Movie in New Player... command from the File menu. An Open dialog box will appear. Browse to your movie, select it and click the Open button.
Step 2:
From the File menu, select the Export... command. A Save exported file as... dialog box will appear.
Step 3:
Select Movie to DivX AVI from the Export drop-down menu. Navigate to your desired output DivX® movie location. Press the Options... button to configure the DivX® encoder.
Step 4:
If you have a desired file size for your DivX® movie (e.g. 650MB for a CD), select the Make file(s) of MB in size radio button. Enter the desired number of files you want into the first edit box (e.g. If you want to save the DivX® movie on two CDs, enter 2). Enter your desired file size into the second edit box.
If file size isn't important, leave Make a quality file checked. From the drop-down menu, select the desired quality for your DivX® movie. The default is a High quality file. Click the OK button to return to the Save exported file as... dialog box from Step 2.
Step 5:
Select the Save button to start the encoding process. During encoding, you can start the popcorn and prepare yourself for a DVD-quality DivX® movie experience. Play the file on your computer using any media player, but if you already own a DivX® Certified DVD player, you can enjoy a big screen, surround sound, movie theatre-like experience from the comfort of your favorite living room chair.
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