Step 1:
Open Pinnacle Studio 9 and prepare a movie to export.

Step 2:
Select Make Movie from the View menu.

Step 3:
From the Make Movie interface, click the AVI button.

Step 4:
Click Settings to open the Pinnacle Studio Setup Options window.

Step 5:
Under Video settings, enable List all codecs.

A warning dialog will pop up alerting you that Pinnacle Studio may not be able to work with all of the codecs you have installed. Click OK to continue.

Step 6:
Set the compression to DivX Pro(tm) 5.2.0 Codec and click Configure to configure the DivX encoder. (Please consult The Official DivX 5.2 User Guide for further information about configuring the DivX encoder.)

Step 7:
Click OK to return to the Make Movie interface.

Step 8:
Click Create AVI file.

Step 9:
Enter a file name and set Save as type to AVI files (*.avi), then click OK to begin encoding your DivX video.

While your movie is encoding to the DivX format, you can start popping the popcorn and prepare yourself for a DVD-quality DivX movie experience. You can play the DivX video on any computer with the DivX codec installed, but if you already own a DivX Certified DVD player, you can enjoy a big screen, surround sound, movie theatre-like experience from the comfort of your favorite living room chair!
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