Step 1:
Open VideoStudio 7 and prepare a movie to export.
Step 2:
Select Project Properties from the File menu.
Step 3:
Change Edit file format to Microsoft AVI files.
Step 4:
Click the Edit button to display the Project Options window.
Step 5:
On the General page of the Project Options window, set the Frame rate and Frame size of the video to be exported.
Step 6:
Set the compression to DivX Pro(tm) 5.2.0 Codec and click Configure to configure the DivX encoder. (Please consult the The Official DivX 5.2 User Guide for further information about configuring the DivX encoder.)
Step 7:
Click the Advanced button to open the Advanced Options window.
Step 8:
Enable Interleave audio and video, and select to Pack audio data for every 1 frame, then click OK.
Step 9:
VideoStudio will alert you that the project settings have changed. Click OK.
Step 10:
From the Share menu, select Create Video File then Save as Project Settings.
Step 11:
Enter a file name and set Save as type to Microsoft AVI files (*.avi), then click Save to begin encoding your DivX® video.
While your movie is encoding to the DivX format, you can start popping the popcorn and prepare yourself for a DVD-quality DivX® movie experience. You can play the DivX video on any computer with the DivX® codec installed, but if you already own a DivX® Certified DVD player, you can enjoy a big screen, surround sound, movie theatre-like experience from the comfort of your favorite living room chair!
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