What are the registration limits for my DivX Account?
First things first: in order to play your purchased DivX VOD content, you'll need to have a DivX Account.You'll use this account to manage which computers and DivX Certified devices can play back the DivX VOD content you purchase. To enjoy and play your purchased content on any of these devices, you'll also need to register them to your DivX Account. Remember, you can register one computer and up to five devices(or additional computers) to your DivX Account.
Using DivX VOD Manager, you’ll be able to manage registration, deregistration, and deletion of each computer or device you own. You'll find the DivX VOD Manager in DivX Player by selecting 'Manage My Computers and Devices' in the VOD menu. If you decide that you no longer want to use a computer or device you've registered, you can make room for a new one by deregistering or deleting it from your DivX Account. Note that there is a big difference between deregistering and deleting a device. So be sure to read on and learn more about the rules for the registration, deregistration or deletion of a computer or a DivX Certified device from your DivX Account.
Limits for Registration & Deregistration of a Computer
What are the limits for registering a computer to my DivX Account?
The first time you log into your account in DivX Player, your computer will be automatically registered to your DivX Account. From that point on, your rights to watch any DivX VOD content you've purchased will be verified on your computer each time you log into DivX Player. Each computer can be registered to only one DivX Account at a time. However, it can be registered to a maximum of three different DivX Accounts in a 12-month period.
NOTE: Registering a computer for DivX VOD services is not the same as registering purchased DivX software with a serial number. Computer VOD registration is free and is a required to watch any purchased DivX VOD content. Get help registering DivX Software you have purchased.
What are the limits for deregistering a computer from my DivX Account?
If at any point you no longer want to use your computer to watch your purchased content, you can deregister it. If you choose, your computer can then be registered to a different DivX Account. Remember, that a computer can be registered to no more than three different DivX Accounts within the same 12-month period. If you have deregistered a computer but change your mind and decide to reregister it to the same DivX Account, it will not count as a new registration of the computer. In fact, you can deregister and register your computer to your DivX account as many times as you like.
What if there is more than one user on my computer?
If your computer is registered to your DivX Account in DivX Player, but another user logs into the computer later under their profile, they will be prompted to log into DivX Player before they can watch videos purchased on your DivX Account. If you don't want other users of your computer to be able to watch your content, simply deregister your computer from the DivX Player each time you log off the computer (and reregister it each time you log back on). Also,your computer must be deregistered before you can log into DivX Player with a different DivX Account.
Limits for Registration & Deregistration of a DivX Certified device
What are the limits for registering a DivX Certified device to my DivX Account?
Your rights to watch any of the content you purchase on a DivX Certified device are verified when you complete a one-time registration of the device with the DivX VOD Manager. Each DivX Account can include up to five registered devices at a time. If you no longer use a device (i.e. you sell it or give it away), the new owner can register the device under their DivX VOD account to enjoy the DivX VOD content they purchase. However, only two other people can register that device to their DivX Account in the same 12-month period. As with the registration of a computer, the maximum number of times a single DivX Certified device can be registered is three times per year.
What are the limits for deregistering a DivX Certified device from my DivX Account?
Just as with a computer, you can deregister / reregister DivX Certified devices from your DivX Account as many times as you like. To deregister your device, you'll need to locate the 8-character deregistration code located on its on-screen menu and then follow the step-by-step instructions found here.
Limits for Deletion of a DivX Certified device
What are the limits for deleting a DivX Certified device from my DivX Account?
You can delete a maximum of one DivX Certified device from your DivX Account per year, and three times per lifetime of the account.
What is the difference between deleting and deregistering a DivX Certified device?
Basically, it's what we just said above...you're only permitted to perform one device deletion per year and three for the lifetime of your DivX user account. So if you want to remove a device from your DivX VOD Manager in order to make room for another one, the best choice is to deregister the device. However, if you own an older-generation DivX Certified device model that does not have a deregistration code, or you simply can't find your device's here.
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