If your DivX Software prompted you with an auto update and you clicked on the update/upgrade button and nothing happened, please try downloading the update from this link instead:
DivX for Windows Update Installer
Once you download and install this you will now be updated with the latest version. Future auto updates should also now work for you as well.
If you had a problem with the installer above please contact the DivX Support team here and they can provide you with a standalone installer.
The upper link does not work! And the other link points to an updater to 10.2.3 which is a bit old isn't it?
"Update Installer" link does NOT work. And the auto update problem has been going on since early 2018.
Not having updated standalone update patches for download has been a problem at DivX, but nothing has changed all over these years. Pathetic.
And BTW, the only discussion regarding software update error is here, nowhere else
As of today, 4/26 -- the DivX for Windows Update Installer worked for me. I was able to update my DivX installation which has not worked for quite some time.
I have downloaded the latest DivX software installer (10.8.8) numerous times trying to get my installed DivX Pro to update. The DivX Converter updates, however the DivX Player never updates. It constantly stays at ver 10.8.4 which is even older than 10.8.6 because like then, the DivX Player (and ONLY the Player) will not update. It might help if DivX allowed people to download the 'Full Installer' and not just their web installer.
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