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5 Kommentare

  • Walt Dittrich

    Still nothing. Very disappointing.
    I can no longer use DivX on my computer.

    Perhaps it's time to look for alternatives.

    Any suggestions?

  • Herbert Leung

    I'm running Catalina 10.15.4  Mac can't even open the DivX.pkg. It says "Cant' be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software" as asked to contact developer.  Dixv stopped working on Mac OS for over 9 months for me. This is ridiculous  

  • Herbert Leung

    Is DivX dropping out on Mac users completely?


  • Iqbal Kabir

    It seems so. Elmedia supports Catalina

  • Ray Malone

    DivX better wake up, Mac went to 64 bit and so did Windows...


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